How to use YOULUJING sodium dichloroisocyanurate for home disinfection | |
Publication time:2020-05-14 Reading times: typeface:【large in Small】 | |
How to use YOULUJING sodium dichloroisocyanurate for home disinfection YOULUJING, chemical name: sodium dichloroisocyanurate, white crystal powder, containing about 60% of available chlorine. The use method and precautions are the same as the bleaching powder produced by Wuhan shuidingdang, and the dilution multiple is adjusted according to the effective chlorine content. If YOULUJING sodium dichloroisocyanurate produced by shuijingdang is used for spraying, soaking, wiping and disinfection, it can be configured as a solution containing effective chlorine of 500mg / l-1000mg / L. Disinfect the environment, tableware, articles and object surfaces. It has a good preventive effect on the prevention and treatment of influenza in autumn and winter, respiratory diseases and New Coronavirus. |
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